shopify seo

Everything to Know About Shopify SEO to get Best SEO Website Development

Have an amazing store at Shopify? Are you looking for ways to get your Shopify store rank higher? Doing Shopify website development and creating your own web store is easy, but getting your online store ranked and noticed by buyers is quite a task. If we go with statistics, Shopify is already hosting around million businesses across 175 countries; and these numbers are constantly increasing! In this situation, SEO plays a very important role for any business or online store on Shopify wants to be visible amongst the top appearing search results. So, improve your Google rankings and visibility and get right in front of your shoppers with the right and balanced SEO strategies.

Shopify SEO: A great way to market your business online

Why is Shopify SEO a perfect way to take your business to the next level and improve your business’s online presence? Shopify SEO can provide you with long term advantages and help you in reaching out to the right set of online searchers. All you need to do is to put in some time and effort now and create an online SEO and a content marketing strategy that is based on proven techniques and can assure you of getting better results in terms of online visibility for your Shopify store and drive some more relevant customers to your store. 

Put in a little more effort now and we are sure by doing this you are future-proofing your digital presence for better returns, and which will also keep growing with time.

Reasons Why Shopify SEO is Important

why shopify seo is important

Having an online store without relevant users on it has no importance. A business cannot flourish if it does not have the right set of visitors coming and looking at the stuff available at the store which they also might end up buying, and they’re also chances that these visitors keep coming back to the store and keep shopping from it. But to make them like your online Shopify store and keep coming back to you, you need to make them visit your store at least once. Therefore, it is important for your business to have the right Shopify SEO strategy in place.

Let us dive deep and understand the significance of product page SEO, and how this can be the best thing to make your online store stand out from your competitors in the search terms that matter most to your business.

After reading this, you will get some actionable tips that you can implement right away and leverage the benefits of Shopify SEO!

Everything to Know About Shopify SEO 

everything to know about shopify seo

Shopify SEO is important and so is the way any business is doing it

Here, we will help you with some simple and effective SEO best methods that can surely help you in getting your Shopify store ranked at the top. 

Have a proper understanding of product reviews and why are these very important for your business, get the most effective content strategy in place, and plan out your social media calendar perfectly to make your visibility soar up. Take it one step at a time, and you’ll soon be set up for long-term success!

Go over Shopify Site Structure– 

The structure is the key element while you host an online store on Shopify or elsewhere. This can help you in keeping your content organized, help your visitors in understanding the flow, and how the various products and categories are placed on the website. Having a properly structured website is also good for search engines to crawl the content and navigate through the website’s pages, effectively providing you improved rankings overall. 

Set up and submit a sitemap to Google Search Console

Generating a sitemap and submitting it to the search console is the simplest and an effective SEO Practice to improve your Shopify Store. All you have to do is just link your Google Analytics account to Shopify followed by setting up e-commerce tracking. This is an ideal way to find out that from where the traffic to your online store is coming and what your users are navigating and seeing while looking at your website. Also, getting your Shopify store registered with Google Search Console make sure your website is being crawled and indexed by search engines

Guide search engines through a robots.txt file

If you already own an eCommerce website or planning to enhance your existing one by adding more pages, duplicate content can be your cause of worry. Using Robots.txt can come in handy in such situations. It is a plain text file sitting on your Shopify store that allows search engines like Google to understand where they can and cannot go.

A sitemap is helpful in giving the web crawlers a perfect way to understand your store’s navigation, robots.txt, let them know about the areas you prefer not being shown in search results.

The faster page speed, the better

We all know how annoying slower page loading speed could be and have experienced this occasionally. Fast page speed is not only a win-win thing for both website owners and visitors, but it is also a major ranking factor for Google and its search results. As written earlier, another big reason why you should care about your site speed is – customers hate slow websites.

The slower your Shopify store will be the less likely people will stay on your website to buy your products. Anyone would expect faster site loading speed – especially they use their mobile.

Keyword research really matters

It is very important to target the right set of keywords for the successful Shopify SEO success no matter what your business is. Keyword research is not just choosing the right words, but you need to have a proper understanding of the search queries that your visitors might type while looking for you online.  Use relevant tools available online, focus on search volume and competition of the words or phrases you are looking for by having an appropriate balance of high search volume and low competition. Use the best of the combinations to take your Shopify SEO to another level.

Get the basics right with On-Page SEO

Last but not the least, you have to get the basics of On-page SEO right when it comes to improving the overall performance of the website. On-page SEO of the website includes meta titles, meta descriptions, image alt-tag optimization, URL optimization, having internal linking structure, content optimization etc.


Bakoffis can help you in boosting your brand with a beautifully appealing and stunning eCommerce store with personalized and tailor-made Shopify development services. It has highly qualified and skilled professionals in your Shopify eCommerce development and building efficient, effective, and affordable Shopify websites. The solutions and recommendations provided by Bakoffis can help your business in customizing your online store, adding more features, managing inventories, and monitoring the store’s growth and success.